Why I love the mess


I am the messiest artist. Though I do love a clean & tidy house, for some reason my art space, as well as my hands and my clothes, are always covered in paint or glue or glitter. I love it. My kids love it.

Growing up I was always creative and loved to draw and paint. Though my parents encouraged the creativity I don’t think I was allowed to use paint at home until I was 15! My house always looked spotless, like a museum, so crafts weren’t allowed inside. That might be why I am the way I am today?

I think its so important for kids to get messy. Be it paint or mud, kids love to explore through their senses. Messy Art is a place where they can do that! And they don’t have to do it in your house! Through my years of teaching art & teaching preschool I have learned to love the cleanup as much as I love the mess.


My Play dough Recipe